Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to disable Utility Manager (Windows Key + U)

Pressing the Windows key with U starts the Utility Manager, which provides a number of useful aids (e.g., the Narrator, magnifier, on-screen keyboard) for people who have poor vision. 

To disable this shortcut, perform one of the following options: 

Option 1
1.Start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Services snap-in (Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Services). 
2.Right-click Utility Manager, and select Properties. 
3.Set the Start-up type to Disabled, and click Apply. Then click OK. 

Option 2
Under C:\Windows\System32 you can rename utilman.exe to disable it.

Option 3
If renaming the utility doesn't work, try deleting the util & replacing it with a null file, [cmd window]:
Del utilman.exe 
COPY nul utilman.exe 
Attr utilman.exe +R

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