Friday, May 25, 2012

System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager not found

If you added the reference in your code already:

using System.Configuration;

but still the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings is not found in your code, looks like you need to manually add a reference to the System.Configuration.dll file.

To add the System.Configuration follow the next simple steps:

  1. Righ click on the references folder
  2. Select Add a reference
  3. Select Assemblies >> Framework
  4. Search for the System.Configuration and select it
  5. Click the Add button

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

-- Setting the default format with Paste Special in Word 2007

It is possible to set the defualt formatting in the "Paste Special" command to Unformatted Text, most of the time we want to keep the that Word or Excel documents to retain the current format and not from which they were copied.

To chance your default Paste for Word 2007:
  1. Click the Office Button
  2. Click Word Options
  3. Click Advanced, and go to the Cut, Copy, Paste section
  4. Set the options to "Keep text only"